do i need any special background?

Yes. We are looking for annuity producers who have averaged at least 1 million dollars annually over the last 5 years.

is there any cost to begin and to start making commissions?

NO, not if you qualify!

will i have to contract with any carriers?

Yes. We will require certain contracting to get started.

Do you really help close?

Yes. Mr. LaVine will personally help you close, and he helps most of our agents do just that. The closing ratio is nearly 100%.

does tony charge anything to help with the sale?

No, not if it is over the phone.

will tony work with us in person on appointments?

Yes, with the right situation. (Visit with him about that.)

Will tony personally help give a seminar??

Yes, sometimes. (Again, check with him.)

How often do these programs not work for an agent?

NEVER, if the agent meets the qualifications and follows our proven methods.